Adapted from Allrecipes, with help from Half Baked Harvest. Makes 8-12 naan breads. A cast iron skillet with a lid is great for cooking these naan breads. And since handles on cast iron skillets can get very hot, a silicone handle holder is a great buy too. 8 tablespoons … [Read more...]
Smoked Eggplant and Yogurt Salad (Baigan ka Raita)
This recipe can't be called a family favorite, but it is a special summertime treat for those who like vegetables, yogurt, and Indian food. The recipe is from Julie Sahni's Classic Indian Vegetarian and Grain Cooking, one of my first vegetarian cookbooks. Here is what Julie Sahni … [Read more...]
Aloo Gobi
This recipe comes from the DVD of the 2002 film "Bend It Like Beckham". I love this movie for its portrayal of the British Indian culture within a culture--the phrase "juicy juicy mangoes" raises much merriment in our family. And the great English actress … [Read more...]